Production Management

As Production Manager for projects, Kara plays a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating various aspects of a production, ensuring that everything runs smoothly from inception to completion. They specialize in planning and scheduling, budget management, resource allocation, personnel coordination, risk management, organization communication, problem-solving, contract negotiations, and more. Kara provides production management for a variety of local non-profit groups, including Frozen River Film Festival, Theatre du Mississippi, and the Advocacy Center of Winona. 


Hard Skills:

Project Management, Budgeting, Resource Allocation, Scheduling, Contract Negotiation, Risk Management, Technical knowledge (Lighting, Sound, Set Design, Directing, Acting, and Costume Construction), and Logistic Management.

Soft Skills:

Communication, Leadership, Problem-Solving, Adaptability, Negotiation, Team Collaboration, Decision-Making, Time Management, Conflict Resolution, Mediation.